Avast Software presents apklab.io, a mobile threat intelligence platform designed to provide the most relevant information for Android™ security researchers.
samples in apklab.io database540+
registered researchers3794983
processed user queriesCombined information
Each and every sample is processed by Avalens, our static analysis tool as well as Chadron, our in-house dynamic analysis sandbox. The information extracted can then be cross-referenced with other samples in our database.

Powerful filters
Much of the information extracted from the apps are indexed, so you can easily examine each and every sample in our database for interesting behavior.
Take a look
Here's a short video depicting the analysis of an Android ransomware sample. It showcases some of the filters available in apklab.io and information gathered about one of the samples, including the results of both static and dynamic analysis.
How to get in?
Apklab.io is open for all security researchers.
If you'd like to get in, please make an invitation request.
Follow @apklabio to get news about this platform.